Professional Services

Think Big. We make
IT, possible!

We place you at the centre of international networks to advance your strategic interests.

Professional Services Get the business
We place you at the centre of international networks to advance your strategic interests.

Project Governance

Modern Workspace

Solution Architects

Modern Data Centre & Cloud


Project Governance

Providing the right level of governance is critical to ensuring successful project outcomes.

We work with our partners and clients to work towards successful implementations across all phases of the project, whether it’s project management, change management, and/or training.

Modern Workspace

We provide solutions to improve productivity and collaboration through technology by enabling employees to be able to work wherever, whenever, and on whatever device they want.

We securely deliver the application and desktop experience that customers need to work effectively. 

Solution Architects

To ensure your projects are successful, Technology Plus provides high-value solution architect services. This is a critical piece in our approach to ensure your technology projects achieve a faster Time to Value and Return on Investment whilst ensuring compliance and results.

Modern Data Centre & Cloud

Transforming from traditional IT to datacentre or cloud services requires specialised and diverse skillsets across private cloud, public cloud, and SaaS.

We can provide the right capability and due diligence to ensure a successful transformation.

IT Migrations

We deliver on hardware and software upgrades/migrations for technology stacks utilising traditional on-premise or hybrid IT infrastructure.

Why Choose Us?

We focus on developing the next era of technology

We’ve built our business from the ground up to leverage AI & blockchain technology to manage our clients and our data.
We optimise the operations of your systems through machine learning experience, adaptive algorithms, and data-driven automation.
What separates us from all other Technology Service Providers? Our care & dedication to transforming your business for the future.
Our Partners

Leading and new-age technology vendors

We collaborate with both leading and new-age technology vendors to ensure we are delivering cutting-edge solutions to our clients.